Precautions for consuming Mala.

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The Mala that many people understand is chili from Sichuan Province in China, simmered with oil to create a unique color and appearance that no other type of chili can match. In addition to the color and appearance, there is also a spicy flavor that causes a long-lasting numbness on the tongue. Sometimes, when eating Mala, it causes a numb feeling all the way to the throat.

Mala has a spicy and strong flavor. Eating too much of it can have adverse health effects, such as:

  • Diarrhea Eating Mala can cause diarrhea, just like eating other spicy foods. This is due to the body’s natural response mechanisms.
  • The chili peppers in Mala contain capsaicin, which is acidic. If consumed in excess, it can irritate the stomach and digestive tract, resulting in heartburn and heartburn.
  • The mouth and tongue become irritated. This is because the burning taste causes numbness in the skin. And the first skin areas that come into contact when we eat are the mouth and tongue.
  • Stomach ulcers: Stomach acid and excessive consumption of spicy foods can cause stomach ulcers, which can be painful when the stomach is irritated by spicy foods.
  • Chest tightness is caused by an excessive amount of acid, which is stimulated by eating mala.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) โปรโมชั่น ufabet. Acid reflux can irritate the digestive tract and may damage the lining of the esophagus, especially if eaten with spicy foods. It can cause upper abdominal pain and heartburn.
  • Swelling When Eating Mala, Swelling Is Not Just Eating Salty Food , Eating Spicy Food Can Also Cause Swelling.
  • Food allergy. This is rare, but can still occur in people who eat mala in excessive amounts or eat it regularly.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Eating too much spicy food for a long time may increase your risk of developing IBS, which can include stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.
  • Nausea or vomiting, which are side effects that can occur when there is an excess amount of acid in the digestive system.

Whether eating Mala is dangerous or not depends on how you eat it. That is to say, eating Mala can be dangerous if eaten incorrectly. However, eating can also bring good health if eaten in the right amount. This is because Mala comes from herbs, and herbs are very beneficial to the body. Therefore, eating can be deliciously and healthily eaten. You just have to eat it the right way.