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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

How to prevent your skin from getting stretch marks.

One of the skin problems that many people are stressed and worried about is probably stretch marks. No matter what age, it can happen. And it doesn’t only happen to fat people. Thin people can also have stretch marks. Especially pregnant women, they have to

Ingredients in facial masks that are effective at fighting acne.

Facial masks are an important step in skincare because they help moisturize the skin and enhance the effectiveness of other skincare products. But when other products can moisturize and nourish the skin just as well. The principle of sheet masks is to push various nutrients into

Brown Rice Is Beneficial. 

Brown rice is rice that has not been refined. Therefore, it still has more nutrients than white rice. Many people therefore believe that eating brown rice is beneficial to the body in many ways, such as benefiting people who want to lose weight. Reduce the risk of heart disease

Diet control.

Diet control It is a basic method of losing weight that is quite effective and is not dieting like many people understand. Because dieting puts you at risk of malnutrition. If you want to lose weight . You should Diet control or choose to eat food according to the

What is the glycemic index of carbohydrates and why is it important?

The Glycemic Index (GI) is an indicator of blood sugar levels after eating carbohydrates. which is important for diabetic patients. This is because eating foods with a high glycemic index will result in a much higher blood sugar level. Diabetic patients should therefore choose to consume foods. That

Soy milk, how good is it to drink?

Soy milk is a product of soy beans being processed through various processes and distilled into a drink. Soybeans were originally an ingredient known for their health benefits. Can be used to cook a variety of dishes or make drinks. But if you don’t have enough time to